Asia Monet Ray, the 8-year-old dancer who has her own reality TV show on Lifetime (Raising Asia) is back in training. Her manager/mother has her on a tight weekly schedule: 15 hours of dance, about 10 hours of vocal training and five hours of dancing. Exactly when Asia has time to practice anything outside of her entertainment biz skill set is not disclosed on the show. It drives some viewers crazy–but they’re tuning in to watch.
During a recent interview, Asia let it slip that in an upcoming episode her father Shawn with “have it out” with her manager Billy Hufsey, the former teen star from the TV shows Fame and Days of Our Lives. Better be warned Shawn: On Days, Hufsey played Emilio Ramirez, a gang member who could get pretty angry. (Someone did kill his older fictional brother Raul, after all.) Hufsey still apparently carries around the scars. If the papa Shawn or the former child actor Hufsey are the only people who get hurt by this show, it’ll be a miracle.