Gillian Anderson is not a doctor — she only plays one on TV. But in our world of blurred lines between entertainment and reality, that makes Anderson — who plays sex therapist Jean Milburn on the Netflix hit “Sex Education” — the perfect person to help cure what ails us, especially when it comes to sex.
The actress is launching a side project and she’s asking women for help — she wants our sex stories. All of it: the raw, the wonderful, the painful, the proud, everything. She’s curating a book about sex and — spoiler alert — this is sure to be a bestseller. Anderson is switching from fictional Netflix sex to real sex.
“Our deepest most intimate fears and fantasies remain locked away inside of us. Until someone comes along with the key. Well, here is your key,” says Anderson, in an Instagram post that is headed for a pretty big climax.
“I am curating a book of your anonymous letters to me,” she continues. “A book exploring how women think about sex, because sex is about womanhood and motherhood, infidelity and exploitation, consent and respect, fairness and egalitarianism, love and hate, pleasure and pain.”
BTW, Anderson’s Instagram lists her as a “Shag Specialist”
The enterprise sounds like a much needed update to the controversial My Secret Garden book by Nancy Friday.
Anderson will own a treasure trove of contemporary women’s feelings about sex. Even Google doesn’t have that — at least not quite in the same way. Below is Anderson with supermodel Naomi Campbell. Wonder what her letter will be like?