On the CSI: Vegas episode ‘Burned,’ a mysterious bigfoot-like footprint found near a crime scene puzzles the CSI team as they work to uncover who – or what – killed a father and son. The two were seemingly burned to death.

The good news is the team has footage from a doorbell camera at the home. Chris Park (Jay Lee) tells Agent Maxine Roby (Paula Newsome) that the camera caught something that came out of the house but not going in “but that’s not even the weird part.” Park then shows Roby the footage.
Roby summarizes: “Okay, so we have a dead father and son. Murdered in a fire. And before the fire starts, Sasquatch runs out.” Well, it doesn’t run out, it actually walks out gingerly and even turns toward the camera to reveal a profile.
CSI: Vegas airs Thursdays at 10 pm ET on CBS, right before So Help Me Todd at 9 pm, Ghosts at 8:30 pm and Young Sheldon at 8 pm.