Legendary Hollywood filmmaker Steven Spielberg is the father of seven children including 31-year-old singer Sasha Spielberg. Sasha’s mother is Spielberg’s wife of 30 years, actress Kate Capshaw (Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom).
When not on stage performing under the name Buzzy Lee (her latest album is Spoiled Love), Sasha spends time with family and friends as seen in the stunning photo above. Her fans love the sexy off-the-shoulder dress and many replied “Gorgeous.” Hollywood stars Gwyneth Paltrow and Michelle Pfeiffer also left happy birthday wishes. Gwyneth wrote: “HBD my sweet.”
Sasha also looks terrific in swimsuits (above) and her underwear (below).
Spielberg directed the new West Side Story film (based on the 1957 Broadway musical) which is scheduled for a December 2021 release.