In the Lifetime movie Deadly Dating Game (originally titled Deadly Radio Romance), radio producer Hailey encourages her colleague, radio talk show host Shannon Baker (Skye Coyne) to forget about her ex-boyfriend Gavin (Iyan Evans) who’s back in town and to date other guys. Hailey’s care and concern for Shannon and her love life isn’t exactly altruistic: she wants Gavin all to herself and will do anything to make it a reality.
Hailey is portrayed by Jillian Murray, who’s best known for her roles on the medical drama Code Black with Marcia Gay Harden and Rob Lowe (Heather Pinkney) and the crime drama Murder in the First (Suzy Q).
In real life, Jillian is married to actor Dean Geyer (Brody on Glee). See cute couple photo above.
Deadly Dating Game premieres on Lifetime Movie Network (LMN) on Sunday, March 14 at 8 pm.