In the Lifetime movie The Secret Life of a Celebrity Surrogate, Hollywood movie star Ava Von Richter (Brianne Davis) and her husband Hayden (Carl Beukes) search for a surrogate to carry their baby. They charm the socks off of attractive and fertile Olivia Bolton (Carrie Wampler) who agrees to become their surrogate. While pregnant, Olivia realizes that she and her unborn baby are in danger.
Actress Brianne Davis is known for her roles on Six (Lena Graves), Casual (Skye), If Loving You Is Wrong (Yolanda), True Blood (Belinda), Murder in the First (Cindy Strauss), and Hollywood Heights (Grace), among others.
Fun fact: Brianne made her TV debut on a 2001 episode of Dawson’s Creek as Ashley the hot assistant.
In real life, Brianne is married (to The Secret Life of Celebrity Surrogate director Mark Gantt!) and a mom! See cute family photo below.
The Secret Life of a Celebrity Surrogate premieres on Lifetime Movie Network (LMN) on Thursday, January 21 at 8 pm.