When not filming a Hallmark Channel movie, actress Candace Cameron Bure is likely posting photos and video and inspirational messages on social media. On December 22, the 44-year-old former child star (Full House) and mother of three announced that she’s taking a social media break.
While wearing a big brimmed hat and chunky eyeglasses by Peepers, Candace explained to her 4.7 million followers on Instagram that her social media break has become an annual tradition.
Candace explains: “I started doing this a couple years ago so that I could really enjoy the Christmas season with my family, to be present, to be intentional, and not have to worry about finding the best lighting or capturing the best moments and posting”. She adds, “I encourage you to take a social media break too.”
Although she does understand if you’re not with family and friends this year, “social media is a wonderful way to stay and feel connected.”