Before making her debut on VH1’s reality series Cartel Crew, Salomé Jackson was known as Betty Idol on Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta. The “Texan Jersey Girl” made her TV debut on LHH ATL on Season 5 as D. Smith‘s best friend — after her rise to fame from singing the hook on Rick Ross’s single “Thug Cry” featuring Lil Wayne.
When not filming Cartel Crew in Miami, 28-year-old Salomé models lacy lingerie and tiny string bikinis as seen in the gorgeous photos above and below. As one fan wrote: “Too scrumptious for words.”
Love & Hip Hop Atlanta airs Mondays at 8 pm on VH1, right before T.I. & Tiny: Friends and Family Hustle at 9 pm. [Watch any episode — or all of them — streaming here Love & Hip Hop Atlanta.]