The protagonist of the Lifetime movie Fame at a Deadly Cost is single mom Michelle (Gina Holden). Her teen daughter Blake (Heavenly Reyna) is an aspiring singer who desperately wants to become the next Taylor Swift. [More Lifetime movies streaming are always available.]
Blake’s desperation leads her into the arms of a singer who takes her to an island and promises her fame and fortune. When Michelle discovers that her daughter has disappeared, she sets out to rescue Blake before she falls into the singer’s sexual trafficking scheme.
When not filming movies like Fame at a Deadly Cost, Heavenly Reyna (formerly known as Mozart Dee) is singing. In the movie, she gets to sing five of her original songs including “Damn Girl” and “Paper Tiger.”
When not acting or singing or both!, Heavenly is striking a pose in a crop top and short shorts!
Fame at a Deadly Cost premieres on Lifetime Movie Network on Wednesday, March 18 at 10 pm. Watch the trailer below.