Britney Spears is an icon, that’s for sure. And she does — clearly — whatever the hell she pleases. Oh and when she wants, she can deliver an image for the ages, whether it’s on the high-res high-production side or its opposite.
On the high-end side there’s this pink hot pants bikini top sizzle in a red convertible. One fan writes “She’s on fire!!! Literally what an icon you are.”
Britney writes: “I was going 100 …. wheeeeee.” Wheeee could be the caption most of her recent posts!
When Britney’s not working with a photography pro like Ellen von Unwerth, it comes out a lot different — as in many of her recent low-tech videos. But these still are equally compelling in their own way. Is it the real Britney?, they keep somehow asking, below their grainy surface.
You get the feeling that Britney, after all the glitz of her amazing career, really enjoys tweaking conventions. Examples below. What’s also for sure? Millions keep watching…
And tweak them and tweak them!