Charming and beautiful Jennifer Aniston is all over this People magazine. You might say, literally, she’s got it covered. Sharing the happy circumstance that her famous face won the front cover while her exceptionally fit legs dominate the back cover — in an ad for Aveeno — Aniston is typically gracious and grateful.
She thanks the good company she’s in — Jennifer Lopez, Taylor Swift, Michelle Obama — and People itself.
But, you know, it’s not just the two photos of Aniston on the magazine that enchant — even though she half hides her famous face behind the mag in her post. It’s the photo itself — the Instagram photo!
Because Jen’s super famous hair is looking super super cool, swept up and back and big and tall! (Compare to the other two photos of her right there! That hair is reaching for new heights! Like Jen herself!)
Then there is the very distracting bare midriff, as the cutout of her outfit exposes. What a great photo! Almost as great as the one below? Or better? Eye of the beholder!