Jennifer Lopez took her sweet time sharing her story at the Oscar consideration table in a roundtable hosted by The Hollywood Reporter. (see below) The superstar actress/singer/dancer/mogul talks about her personal terror in filming the risque opening scene in Hustlers. (Jlo tells the other actresses that she plays a stripper in the movie, as if they live under rocks and didn’t hear!)
JLo says her heart was “beating out of her chest” when she had the “dental floss on” — code for the G-string that’s part of the pole dancer’s uniform.
But the more revealing and even more charming part of the Lopez story was what she wanted to be back when. How she felt when she first entered the movies. Lopez didn’t dream of dramatic Oscar-type roles. She wanted to be in romantic comedies, she said. Because every actress in romantic comedies — when she was coming up — they were “always white” she said.
“I think when I first started one of the things that I wanted to do — because I was Puerto Rican, Latina — was that I wanted to be in romantic comedies. Because I felt like all the women who were in romantic comedies always looked the same way. They were just, you know, they were always white. There was never anybody… If I can do it and just show that I am every girl,” Lopez said. “Because I am the hopeless romantic, I am the single working woman, I was those things.”
While white actresses may have dominated those roles, and to a degree still do, JLo steadfastly remained that “hopeless romantic” and made a major impact in the romantic comedy genre including star turns in Maid in Manhattan and The Wedding Planner.