In the new multi-genre TV show (sci-fi thriller family drama) Emergence, police chief Jo Evans (Allison Tolman) brings home a young girl named Piper (Alexa Swinton) after finding her near a mysterious plane crash.
While Jo’s intentions are good, there’s good cause for Jo’s ex-husband Alex (Donald Faison) to be wary of Piper, who can’t remember anything from her past. Investigative journalist Benny Gallagher is also wary, although more curious and persistent about getting to the bottom of Piper’s story.
Investigative reporter Benny Gallagher is portrayed by Scottish-born actor Owain Yeoman who describes his character as one who uses charm as a defense mechanism and also using it professionally to find a way into a story.
Yeoman is known for his roles on TURN: Washington’s Spies (Benedict Arnold), The Mentalist (Agent Wayne Rigsby), and Extant (Dr. Mason), among others. Fun fact: Yeoman made his acting debut in the 2004 film Troy with Brad Pitt and Orlando Bloom.
Emergence airs Tuesdays at 10 pm on ABC, right after black-ish at 9:30 pm, and its spin-off show mixed-ish at 9 pm.