The Lifetime movie Deadly Assistant (originally titled The Protégé) is inspired by a true story. The protagonist in the movie is Amanda, sister of wellness guru Dr. Lauren Birch (Kate Gilligan) who died during the grand opening of her new wellness center. Amanda is told Lauren died of a heart condition, but she’s not buying it. She suspects her psychotic assistant Maya (Breanne Hill).
[Amanda wears a jumpsuit like this one]
Amanda is portrayed by Jeannette Sousa. She’s best known for her roles on American Housewife (Suzanne, see photo below), and Meet the Browns (Carmen Martinez), among others. Fun fact: Deadly Assistant was directed by Daphne Zuniga who’s known as an actress for playing Jo Reynolds on Melrose Place, Princess Vespa in Mel Brooks’ Spaceballs and Alison in The Sure Thing with John Cusack. This is her directorial debut! Deadly Assistant premieres on Lifetime on Friday, May 17 at 8 pm.
Director Zuniga on the left, on the set of Deadly Assistant with Sousa…