People, JLo’s about to turn 50. Fiddy. 5-0. However you want to say it. When JLo brings her birthday tour to your city this summer — the spectacular Jennifer Lopez It’s My Party Tour — she’ll be celebrating perhaps the greatest aging trick anybody’s pulled off since Noah lived to be 950 back in the day. (Dude died 350 years after the Flood, just sayin’.)
JLo just added to her celebration and her living-well-is-the-best-revenge ‘tude by posting this shoulder show-off, abs-lockdown, arms-are-guns pic:
JLo says she’s feeling “wavy” but the ocean hasn’t been that hot since the Big Bang. She credits the Saucha Niyama of Yoga. Saucha means “purity, cleanliness and clearness” — and that’s what you get here. [related: Jennifer Lopez Wears White Tank Top Grinding It for “Big Birthday”]
Here are the Niyama Sol leggings JLo’s wearing, on sale: