The protagonist of the Lifetime movie Saving My Baby is eight-months pregnant Sarah Carter. She survives a harrowing car crash after she’s been run off Los Angeles’ famously twisty Mulholland Drive. When she wakes up days later in a hospital, she learns that her baby has been taken from her. While tracking down her baby, Sarah discovers who’s behind the baby snatching scheme which includes her baby’s sexy but sinister father, Travis (Jon Prescott) and his twisted girlfriend Jessica (Tonya Kay).
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Sarah on Lifetime’s Saving My Baby is portrayed by actress Brianne Davis, who is currently starring in the History Channel’s military series Six with Olivia Munn (Lena Graves). She’s also recognized for her roles on Casual (Skye), If Loving You Is Wrong (Yolanda), True Blood (Belinda), Murder in the First (Cindy Strauss), and Hollywood Heights (Grace, SEE LINK ABOVE), among others. Saving My Baby premieres on Lifetime on Friday, January 4 at 8 pm. [More Lifetime movies streaming are always available.]