In the two-hour series finale of Timeless, “The Miracle of Christmas,” Christmas arrives in the Bunker, and the Time Team is inspired by a visit from their future selves to find a way to try to save Rufus (Malcolm Barrett). But when the Mothership jumps to 1848 California, they’re forced to put those plans on hold and chase Rittenhouse back to the Gold Rush, where they encounter one of the era’s most dangerous villains.
Then chasing the Mothership to Korea in the winter of 1950, the team is stuck with no way out. In the process of trying to escape, the team comes to terms with their feelings for each other. Lucy Preston’s (Abigail Spencer) biological father, pediatric surgeon and Rittenhouse agent, Benjamin Cahill, reappears.
[Check out Getz as Sy in The Social Network]
Benjamin Cahill on Timeless is portrayed by actor John Getz. The veteran actor is known for his roles in the films The Social Network (Sy), Zodiac (Templeton Peck), The Fly (Stathis Borans, see photo below), and the Coen Brothers’ Blood Simple (Ray), among many others. Getz is also recognized for his TV roles on American Horror Story (Mr. St. Pierre Vanderbilt), Bosch (Walker), Transparent (Donald), and Homeland (Joe Crocker), among others. The series finale of Timeless airs Thursday, December 20 at 8 pm.
It’s John Getz, in all his smarmy, one-armed glory!@HorrorHoneys #TheFly2
— Kuriosa (@moonrisesister) September 5, 2014