TLC is home of Long Island Medium Theresa Caputo, and now it’s making room for another medium from New York, Jennie Marie. She and her husband Mike Cancelmi and their four boys live in Rochester, New York. She’s not only a medium (who talks to dead people) but she’s clarivoyant (can see the future) and is empathic (which means she feels things and gets the chills when she’s right).
[Patricia Arquette played a Medium too]
When not on TV, Jennie Marie provides half-hour and hour readings in her office, on the phone and via Skype. She charges $350 for a full hour reading and $250 for a half-hour reading (same rates apply for readings on the phone). Jennie Marie also offers 2-hour group readings (a minimum of 3 people, maximum of 11 people) that costs $125 per person. And she’s available for one-question readings: for $25, she will respond to one question by email. Mama Medium airs Mondays at 9 pm on TLC.