Castaways is a reality TV show that follows 12 separate individuals who have been left along a string of deserted islands in Indonesia. Their challenge is to survive being alone. While the idea might sound heavenly to an overworked mom, this is no resort. Each person either has to survive or quit. 42-year-old Robbie Gibbons from Birmingham, Alabama seems to have the greatest physical disadvantage. He weighs 390 lbs.
[Watch Tom Hanks in Cast Away]
Back in the States, Robbie is married with four kids. He fears for his life as he suspects that an imminent heart attack is in his future. The middle school gym teacher is struggling with his food addiction and wonders if his estranged biological father has any addictive personality traits that could help Robbie explain his own. Whatever Robbie learned during his Castaways journey worked. He’s lost 170 lbs. with clean eating (fish and veggies) and exercise. He’s even competing in triathlons. Now Robbie aka “Robbie Rainbow” is sharing his inspirational story online and selling Robbie Rainbow merchandise. See the photos below. Castaways airs Tuesdays at 10pm on ABC.