There are a number of adorable children featured on the Little Big Shots episode “Beauty and the Steve,” including a Beauty and Beast super fan named Belle. When she sings the title song from the Disney movie with Steve Harvey, the hearts of the audience members melt. Another memorable performance is provided by 12-year-old Filipino-Canadian singer Tyson Venegas aka Ty Waters. He doesn’t just sing, he’s also a mean pianist and human beatbox (see video below).
Step 1: beat. Step 2: ?. #tysonvenegas #littlebigshots #beatbox #singersongwriter #pianist
— Tyson Venegas (@tysonvenegas) March 25, 2018
[Steve Harvey’s latest New York Times bestseller, Jump]
Tyson makes the performance easy, but he did had to rehearse those smooth moves. Check him out below with professional dancers Mykell Wilson and Nick Baga. Little Big Shots air Sundays at 8pm on NBC.