On the Little Big Shots episode “Beauty and the Steve,” Steve Harvey meets another adorable group of kids including a Beauty and the Beast super fan and a 5-year-old sportscaster named Trent. When Harvey interviews Trent, he asks him about his life at school (kindergarten). When Harvey asks Trent who he would love to see at his next birthday party (assuming it would be a sports star), Trent says, “Vinny” — Vinny is his best friend in kindergarten.
[Steve Harvey’s latest New York Times bestseller, Jump]
Harvey presses Trent about his birthday party and asks if girls will be invited. Trent says yes, “two girls.” Trent says he’s not inviting the football team because they would need to change their clothes first because they would be muddy. “I don’t want a muddy party,” says the impeccably dressed Trent. Harvey bends over laughing at that one. Little Big Shots air Sundays at 8pm on NBC.