In The X-Files episode “Plus One,” a spate of people are being killed by their doppelgangers. When Mulder (David Duchovny) and Scully (Gillian Anderson) investigate, they find themselves playing a dangerous game with a pair of twins, Little Judy Poundstone and Little Chucky Poundstone.
[Konoval’s children book Jeffrey Takes a Walk in December]
The twins are portrayed by Karin Konoval. Konoval also played Mrs. Peacock in The X-Files 1996 episode “Home”, and as Madame Zelma in the 1995 episode “Clyde Bruckman’s Final Repose” with the late great Peter Boyle. Konoval is also well recognized for her role as Maurice the orangutan in the Planet of the Apes movies. Fun fact about Konoval: She’s the author of the very cool children’s book “Jeffrey Takes a Walk in December”, see link above. The X-Files airs Wednesdays at 8pm on FOX.

Karin Konoval, right, plays both twins on The X-Files, photo: Shane Harvey/FOX
Had the privilege of speaking with @KarinKonoval about her role as Maurice in Planet of the Apes at @DiscussingFilm! Will be posted soon!
— Aaron Escobar (@aaronfraggle) July 29, 2017