In the Lifetime movie Family of Lies, young professional Emily takes charge of her younger siblings when their parents are killed in a mysterious car accident. She gets a new job and moves the family to a small town in Louisiana. While trying to get a fresh start, Emily can’t help feeling that their past is following them. The more Emily learns about her parents’ death, the closer she is to losing her whole family. Note: That’s John Schneider of Dukes of Hazzard playing their father, David.
[Allen was the younger Jennifer Garner in 13 Going on 30]
Emily is portrayed by Christa B. Allen. She’s known for her roles on Baby Daddy (Robyn), Revenge (Charlotte Clarke), and Cake (as Cake), among others. Fun fact: Allen has played Jennifer Garner characters in two movies: the 2004 film 13 Going on 30 as young Jenna, and in the 2009 film Ghosts of Girlfriends Past as young Jenny with Matthew McConaughey. Family of Lies premieres on Lifetime on Sunday, December 31 at 8pm.
13 Going on 30. Could be Jenna & Matt, the six chicks, young Jenna, or older Jenna
— cat (@joshsusbo) October 31, 2016