The Lifetime movie Flint tells the story of the four women in Flint, Michigan who worked tirelessly to prove that the city’s water had been contaminated with lead.“This was a man-made disaster,” said President Obama. “This was preventable.” One the four women is LeeAnne Walters. Walters was the one who reached out to Virginia Tech engineering college professor Marc Edwards (Rob Morrow) for help. Ten years prior, Edwards had exposed lead contamination in the D.C. water and eventually the CDC admitted “they weren’t being honest about the extent of the damage the lead had on children.”
LeeAnne Walters is portrayed by Betsy Brandt. Born in Bay City, Michigan (about 45 miles north of Flint), Brandt is known as an actress for her roles on Life in Pieces (Heather), Parenthood (Sandy), Masters of Sex (Barbara Sanderson), The Michael J. Fox Show (Annie Henry), and Breaking Bad (Marie Schrader), among many others. Brandt is also the mother of two children. Flint premieres on Lifetime on Saturday, October 28 at 8pm.
MORE Inside Look with @betsy_brandt @dankildee & advocates of #Flint. #breakingbad #celebrity #FlintMovie More pics
— TV Magazine (@Insidelooktvmag) October 25, 2017