On the series premiere of The Gong Show with Mike Myers as host Tommy Maitland, four people will demonstrate their unique talents on the amateur talent show. In front of three judges – comedians Will Arnett, Ken Jeong, and Zach Galifianakis — a woman named Marry Bleeds walks on stage singing “Mary Had a Little Bug” to the tune of “Mary Had a Little Lamb”.
From her basket, Marry brings out her little bug Midas, a tarantula. She explains that she’s raised Midas since she was a spiderling. And she knows that Midas wants to become a famous musician someday. She then proceeds to put Midas in her mouth and then blows on a harmonica. Marry Bleeds, who last year performed with the variety show Cirque H-O-U in Houston, Texas, is also known for swallowing swords. The Gong Show airs Thursdays at 10pm on ABC.