Admitting he had a “few choice insults” for President Trump in his Monday monologue, doubling-down CBS Late Night host Stephen Colbert said he would “do it again.” He would “change a few words,” he thought in retrospect, but he meant what he said.
Along with calling Trump a “pricktator” and a “presidunce,” Colbert had said the president’s mouth was good only for servicing Vladimir Putin in a sexual way — that’s presumably the part he’d change about his insult storm. In response to the #FireColbert mania on Twitter, a movement which imputed a latent homophobia to his comment, Colbert tried to slough off the charge by saying “anyone who expresses their love for another person in their own way is to me an American hero. I think we can all agree on that.” Trump, Colbert says, can “take care of himself.”