In the dramedy The Hollars, John Krasinski (The Office) plays a frustrated artist in New York (named John) who’s awaiting the birth of his first children (twins!) with his girlfriend Rebecca (Anna Kendrick). He’s already terrified by the thought of becoming a father and then he gets word that his mother Sally has been diagnosed with a brain tumor. John leaves his very pregnant girlfriend in the city to visit his family in his small home town.
[Left: You can watch The Hollars anytime you want on Amazon]
John’s mother Sally is portrayed by Margo Martindale. She’s known for her roles on the TV shows The Good Wife (Peter’s political strategist Ruth) and The Millers (Will Arnett’s mother) and in the films Dead Man Walking (Sister Colleen), Million Dollar Baby (Hilary Swank’s mother), August: Osage County, and The Hours, among others. The Hollars will air on Starz on Saturday, April 15, at 9pm.