In the TV movie Nanny Seduction, an attractive woman named Alyssa (Valerie Azlynn) is hired as a nanny to watch a girl named Riley. Riley has recently been adopted by Kara and Ben Turling (Wes Brown). Everything starts out great but then things get weird when Alyssa tries to play footsie with Ben under the dinner table. When Ben pulls her aside and calls her crazy, something in Alyssa snaps and she kidnaps Riley — which seems to have been her plan all along.
[Highsmith was also in Dolphin Tale, for something less terrifying!]
Kara is portrayed by Austin Highsmith. She’s known for her roles on Scream: The TV Series (Kristen Lang), Criminal Minds (Kristin), Big Love (Katie), Rogues of LA (Tanya), and in the film Dolphin Tale (Phoebe), among others. Nanny Seduction premieres on LMN on Sunday, February 26 at 8pm.