The crew of Paranormal Lockdown travels to Staten Island, New York to investigate the abandoned Kreischer Mansion. While there are reports of ghosts lingering from 100-year-old séances that took place in the house, there is also the younger spirit of mobster Robert McKelvey to deal with.
In 2005, McKelvey was lured into the mansion by mob associates who were reportedly paid by Bonanno crime family to kill McKelvey. The New York Times reported in 2006: “When an effort to strangle him [McKelvey] failed, he was stabbed, then dragged to a nearby pond and drowned. His body was dismembered with hacksaws and incinerated in the mansion’s furnace.” As paranormal expert Nick Groff says, “Being in a location where such a horrific murder took place not long ago kind of startled me. Knowing that this dark energy could still be lingering not only on the property but inhabiting the house now…is rattling in my mind.” Paranormal Lockdown airs Fridays at 9pm on TLC.