In the Pure Genius episode ‘It’s Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider Silk Surgery’, Drs. Malik Verlaine (Aaron Jennings) and Zoe Brockett (Odette Annable) argue over using a highly experimental procedure involving spider silk to save a boy’s legs versus amputation. Meanwhile, a young woman named Amelia Monroe (guest star Laura Seay) enters the hospital in desperate need of a liver transplant. When they find Amelia’s estranged father, Simon, she’s reluctant to accept his donation.
Simon Monroe is portrayed by Doug Savant. He’s known for his roles on Desperate Housewives (Tom Scavo), 24 (Craig Phillips), and Melrose Place (one of the first openly gay characters on TV, Matt Fielding), among others. Savant is also recognized for his roles in the films Godzilla (Sgt. O’Neal) and Teen Wolf (Brad). Fun fact: He’s married to Laura Leighton (Sydney on Melrose Place). See photo below. Pure Genius airs Thursdays at 10pm on CBS.
Date night! ❤️
— Laura Leighton (@LauraLeighton) March 20, 2016