Married by Mom and Dad is the reality TV show that has the parents of single Americans find the one for their adult children. On Season 2, Marissa is one of the singles being set up by her parents. She is a 27-year-old marketing professional living and working in San Diego, California. She describes herself as super outgoing and opinionated. She says, “I feel like I’m everything guys want but I just need to find a guy that I actually want back?” (Question mark is her upspeak.) When she mentions the last guy she dated, a club promoter, she pretends to gag herself and says, “Vomit.”
However, the guy before that (a bar manager) “probably would have married me but he was too nice, and I’m too much of a bitch.” She adds, “He worshipped me but a little too much?” More upspeak. “So I need a worshipper who can stand his ground?” Without a hint of upspeak or reservation, Marissa’s dad says, “She’s a bit self-centered.” He says of her past dating record: “She’ll date these guys, and they fall in love with her, and then she crushes them. Married by Mom and Dad airs Sundays at 10pm on TLC.