Being mentioned by name in the first presidential debate was hardly Howard Stern‘s first media coup of the year. He’d already had his famous memes shouted out in primetime — at the Democratic National Convention and on the Emmy Awards telecast, watched by tens of millions. Even retired from TV, he’s been earning his “King of All Media” title.
[How Howard Stern Is Like Billionaire Mark Cuban]
Stern is on CNN every day lately, as yet another enterprising reporter — about a year too late in the GOP’s opinion — digs up some new controversial tidbit Donald Trump said to Stern over the course of their decades-long relationship. The Stern-Trump tandem has benefited both men. Talking to Stern burnished Donald Trump’s unlikely (and politically important) claim that he’s a regular guy, practically a “blue collar worker” as he says. And Trump lent Stern credibility with celebrities as an interviewer long before he was a “king.” (See how proud Stern says he is to have Trump on here.) These days the list of prominent people Stern has interviewed is so long that almost any national dialogue has very few degrees of separation from Stern. He’s a powerful guy. Note: he’s also a longtime Hillary Clinton supporter. And Trump’s chats, while beneficial at the time, are now blowing up his campaign.