On Celebrity Family Feud, Alan Thicke and his family will play against actor David Chokachi and his family. On the Thicke team is Alan’s wife Tanya; his youngest son Carter, his nephew Creighton, and his brother-in-law Kenny. Alan’s two older sons, Brennan and Robin are absent from the show. Note: Carter Thicke’s mother is Alan’s second wife Gina Marie Tolleson. Brennan and Robin’s mother is Alan’s first wife Gloria Loring.
After making a big splash with his 2013 single ‘Blurred Lines,‘ Robin Thicke (along with T.I. and producer Pharrell Williams) were successfully sued by the family of Marvin Gaye, who believed they lifted the tune from Gaye. The lawsuit and Thicke’s divorce from wife Paula Patton were big blows to Robin Thicke in 2014. But according to Robin Thicke’s Instagram account, he looks to be doing alright. He’s spending a lot of time with his girlfriend April and son Julian (Julian’s mother is Paula Patton). Plus, the Gaye case is being appealed. Celebrity Family Feud airs Sundays at 8pm on ABC.