The Daily Show tries to be funny. That’s its job. Ask any comedian — any comedian, even (especially) the legends — some jokes aren’t well thought out. They don’t work. They need work; they need time. Trevor Noah’s Daily Show traffics in the immediate (hence the name, daily): it responds to events quickly. On Monday it tweeted a response to the Supreme Court ruling that struck down a Texas law making abortion more difficult to get. It went like this:
The Daily Show Urges People To Celebrate Abortion Ruling
Go Knock Someone Up— Tim Gradous (@tgradous) June 28, 2016
Probably not the best joke. Certainly a strange way to celebrate — and clearly pointed only at males. Unfortunate all the way around. The Daily Show had a tin ear working at lightning speed and made a bad joke. This very much upset the Internet, always quick to condemn. Trevor Noah speaks six languages, but in this case he and his team proved they don’t always speak Twitter well. For the record, below is a list of all the people who have never used Twitter poorly. Beneath that is a list of comedians who have never offended while trying to be funny and fast on their feet.