Roots is the TV mini-series based on the Alex Haley novel Roots: The Saga of an American Family. The protagonist is Kunta Kinte, a young man born in 1750 in Gambia, Africa, who is captured by slavers and brought to America. Also captured was his battle-scarred warrior uncle, Silla Ba Dibba. In the 2016 TV remake, Kunta Kinta is portrayed by Malachi Kirby. Silla Ba Dibba is portrayed by Derek Luke.
Derek Luke is known for his roles in the films Captain America: The First Avenger (Gabe Jones), Antwone Fisher (Antwone Fisher), and Glory Road (Bobby Joe Hill), among others. Luke is also recognized for his roles on Rogue (Marlon Dinard), Empire (Lucious Lyon’s ex security guard Malcolm Deveaux), The Americans (Gregory Thomas), Hawthorne (Dr. Miles Bourdet), and Trauma (Cameron Boone). Part 1 of Roots will air May 30 at 9pm on A&E, History Channel, Lifetime and LMN. It is a four-part series which ends on Thursday, June 2.