In the Person of Interest episode “Sotto Voce,” Team Machine is confronted by one of the most elusive and dangerous enemies, known as “The Voice.” Last time we saw the criminal mastermind was in Season 3, when The Voice threatened to kill a 7-year-old boy. Now The Voice is threatening to kill the wife of the latest POI, Terry Easton.
Terry Easton is portrayed by Neal Huff. He’s known for his roles on The Blacklist (George Linley), Billions (Bert Kroll), Fringe (Marshall Bowman), and The Wire (Chief of Staff Michael Steintorf), among others. Huff is also recognized for his roles in the 2015 Oscar-winning film Spotlight (as Catholic Church abuse survivor Phil Saviano), The Grand Budapest Hotel (Lieutenant) and Wes Anderson’s Moonrise Kingdom (Jed). Person of Interest airs Mondays at 10pm on CBS.