In the Once Upon a Time two-hour season finale, Emma (Jennifer Morrison) meets with The Dragon (Tzi Ma). According to Adam Horowitz’s script tease, The Dragon says something that reminds Emma of her old friend August W. Booth (aka Pinocchio). She’s surprised to learn that The Dragon knew him. Three years ago, The Dragon was seen in a flashback with August, who was then turning into wood. August asked The Dragon for help.
August was portrayed by Eion Bailey. He’s also known for his roles on Stalker (Ray Matthews), Ray Donovan (Steve Knight), Covert Affairs (Ben Mercer), ER (Jake Scanlon), the TV mini-series Band of Brothers (David Kenyon Webster), and the short-lived sitcom Significant Others with NCIS star Michael Weatherly and Jennifer Garner (before Alias). Bailey is also recognized for his roles in the films The Fight Club (Ricky) and Almost Famous (Rolling Stone boss Jann Wenner). The season finale of Once Upon a Time airs Sunday, May 15 beginning at 7pm on ABC.
Here’s another #OnceUponATime #scripttease — hope to see ya Sunday for the 2 hour season 5 finale at 7/6c!
— Adam Horowitz (@AdamHorowitzLA) May 13, 2016