In the Gotham episode “Wrath of the Villains: Azrael,” Gordon (Benjamin McKenzie) and Bruce interrogate Professor Strange (BD Wong) about Project Chimera. Strange is dedicated to creating biological super-soldiers including Azrael (Theo Galavan) and Amygdala (Aaron Helzinger). In the Batman comics, Helzinger had part of his brain taken out in order to help curb his homicidal rage and psychotic episodes.
Big man Aaron Helzinger is portrayed by Stink Fisher. The New Jersey native (born William Fisher) has appeared in several films including Arthur, Gulliver’s Travels, Going the Distance, A Buddy Story, and The Lovely Bones (Mr. Connors). Fisher has also appeared on several TV shows including The Sopranos (Warren), 30 Rock, The Blacklist, Blue Bloods, and Body of Proof. Fun fact about Fisher: he was a free agent in the NFL, and signed with the New York Jets before being cut. Gotham airs Mondays at 8pm on FOX.