In the new TV drama Game of Silence, a young, successful lawyer named Jackson Pogue (David Lyons) is haunted by his past. Twenty-five years ago he and four of his childhood friends got into a car accident that left one woman dead. They were sent to a youth detention facility for nine months. Years later when one of the four — Boots — gets into trouble with the law, Jackson is asked to defend him and seek justice. It triggers a reunion of sorts that changes their lives again.
Jackson’s childhood girlfriend Jessie West is portrayed by Bre Blair. The 35-year-old actress from Canada is known for her roles on The Flash (Tess Morgan), Two and a Half Men (Rachel), Make It or Break It (Mrs. McIntire), 90210 (Winter), and The Unit (Joss Morgan), among others. Blair is also recognized for her roles in the films Last Vegas (Lisa), Quarantine 2: Terminal (Paula), and The Baby-Sitters Club (Stacey). Game of Silence will premiere on NBC on April 12 at 10pm.