In the TV movie Seduced, a single mom named Caroline answers a “Missed Connections” posting on Craigslist. But the charming man, Gavin (Jon Prescott), who claimed to have a missing connection is just using the platform as a way to trap women. When Caroline discovers that their sexy romance wasn’t real, she seeks vengeance with one of his other “girlfriends” — Margo (Julie Mond).
Caroline is portrayed by Elisabeth Röhm. Röhm is known for her roles on Stalker (Amanda Taylor), Beauty and the Beast (FBI Special Agent Dana Landon), The Client List (Taylor Berkhalter), Heroes (Lauren Gilmore), Law & Order (Serena Southerlyn), Angel (Detective Kate Lockley), and Bull (Alison Jeffers), among others. Seduced premieres on Lifetime on April 30 at 8pm. It will air again on May 1 at 12am and 8pm, and May 2 at 12am.