In the Once Upon a Time episode “Devil’s Due,” while Hades (Greg Germann) tries to get a bloodied Hook (Colin O’Donoghue) to carve the names of three friends on tombstones in the Underworld, Gold (Robert Carlyle) decides to help Emma (Jennifer Morrison) after all. Meanwhile, in a fairy-tale flashback, Rumple and his wife Milah (Rachel Shelley) make a dubious deal to save their son Baelfire. (Remember: The last time Rumple saw Milah, he killed her and then cut Hook’s hand off.)
Milah is portrayed by Rachel Shelley. The English-born actress is best known for her roles on Rogue (Shelley), Casualty (Yvonne Rippon), The L Word (Helena Peabody), and Ghost Whisperer (Kate Payne). Once Upon a Time airs Sundays at 8pm on ABC.