Sisters In Law is a reality TV show that follows a close-knit group of six elite black female lawyers in Houston, the fourth largest city in the U.S. The show documents their struggles working in a male dominated (66%), largely white (82%) field. Some of the six are criminal lawyers, some are civil lawyers.
One of the civil lawyers is Rhonda Wills. While working at a big multi-national law firm in Houston (Vinson & Elkins, LLP), she claimed she was a victim of sexual harassment and discrimination after being denied a promotion to partnership. She sued the firm. When she left the firm, Rhonda worked with Sister In Law Juanita Jackson but the partnership didn’t last more than a year. With the settlement Wills got from the lawsuit, she opened her own firm with her husband Anthony, Willis Law Firm PLLC, “so I can represent people who are victims just like I was.” Wills earned her J.D. at The University of Texas Law School. She is also the mother of four children. Sisters In Law premieres March 24 at 10pm on WEtv.