Glamorous actress Andie MacDowell is trending for a complaint she made on social media. The problem: MacDowell was treated unjustly — and forced to give up her first class airline seat despite having paid good movie star money for it. Is MacDowell right to complain? Sure. Can the gorgeous, ageless, wealthy movie star expect a lot of sympathy from the Twittersphere? Um, no. Guess what? She didn’t get any.
MacDowell has tweeted again after her initial declaration, trying to explain herself. She says that hey, she’s glad to fly coach but she paid for something else. Maybe people will be more generous — and understand her better when she explains this evil airline bait and switch? Again, um, nope. MacDowell is getting a lesson that she of all people should already know. Social media lives forever. You make a statement there you can’t take it back; it just lives in the public mind forever, even if you delete it. Once you put something out there, especially if you’re a star, you have to live with it. It’s like living the same day over and over without being able to move on. You don’t see Bill Murray making this kind of mistake, now do you? #Groundhog Day. Not that Andie MacDowell is wrong. She’s not!
I’m very happy flying in coach I’m happy on a bus or the subway but if I play for first class, that’s where I want to be,that was the point
— Andie MacDowell (@AndieMacDowell3) January 24, 2016
Lessons learned never,complain on Twitter & don’t pay for first class on American Airlines, only express gratitude…can we move on now?
— Andie MacDowell (@AndieMacDowell3) January 24, 2016
@AndieMacDowell3 Complain away. We all want what we pay for. #Everyone has that expectation. Twitter can bring out the worst in #people.
— ann boyle croft (@ann85boyle) January 24, 2016