On Bravo’s new reality TV show Work Out New York, we meet seven of New York City’s finest high-end personal trainers and elite fitness trainers — Lindsey Clayton, Joe Lazo, Layla Luciano, Lena Marti, Noah Neiman, Courtney Paul, and Holly Rilinger. It’s a competitive world so expect lots of drama, jealousy, and even a little romance from time to time.
[Who Is Lena “Lee” Marti On ‘Work Out New York’?]
Of the seven on the show, there are only two men — Courtney Paul and Joe Lazo. Joe isn’t all beauty and brawn. He’s got brains too. After choosing an academic scholarship at Pace University he got his masters degree in business while working as a runway model. Now five years out of college, Joe has been focusing on his career as an elite personal trainer. He proudly holds 5 certifications in ACE, NCCPT, CrossFit Level 1, CrossFit Movement & Mobility, and CrossFit Kettlebell Trainer. Work Out New York airs Sundays at 9pm on Bravo.