In the Hallmark Channel TV movie Christmas Incorporated, Riley Vance is a young woman who’s struggling to pay her bills in New York City. A much due stroke of luck lands her a job with William Young (Steve Lund), a wealthy entrepreneur. But Young is “a bad-boy socialite type” who doesn’t register the fact that his business transaction affect the people around him — sometimes (often?) for the worse. When Young decides to close one of his factories just before Christmas, Riley has to step up to the plate and go to bat for the workers.
Riley is portrayed by Shenae Grimes-Beech. The Canadian-born actress is best known for her roles on 90210 (Annie Wilson), Degrassi: The Next Generation (Darcy Edwards) and in the film Scream 4 (Trudie). Fun fact: Shenae got the 90210 Annie Wilson role in 20087 after Hilary Duff turned it down. Christmas Incorporated premieres on The Hallmark Channel on November 15 at 8pm.