There is hardly a sadder story today than the news that Joey + Rory singer Joey Feek will lose her battle with cancer. Feek had undergone chemotherapy, surgery and radiation to battle the colorectal cancer that struck the singer for a second time in June, not long after the birth of her daughter, one-year-old Indiana. Rory has been documenting Joey’s battle — the courage, frustrations, triumphs, joys, and painful sorrow of it — on his blog, This Life I Live.
Rory revealed recently that Joey has stopped taking treatment and is entering hospice. The couple has been married since 2002, when Joey became mom also to Rory’s two daughters (now teens) from a previous marriage. Joey is courageously saying goodbye to all three children. But it’s Indiana who won’t remember her, so she’s doing something heartbreaking and beautiful: Joey is recording her own voice reading stories so Indiana can hear them her after she’s gone. “The last couple of mornings, I’ve brought Indiana up here to spend time with her mama,” writes Rory. “Joey’s hope is that our little one will be able to sit on my lap in days to come and turn pages and hear her mama reading to her.” That is how Joey Feek is using the last ounces of her strength.