In the ABC crime drama Wicked City, two Los Angeles detectives — Jack Roth (Jeremy Sisto) and Paco Contreras — try to track down serial killer named Kent Grainger who goes after young, aspiring actresses. The show is set in the 1980s so DNA tests, cell phone records, and social media aren’t at their disposal.
[Who Is Detective Jack Roth On ‘Wicked City’?]
Paco is portrayed by Gabriel Luna. He’s best known for his roles in the 2011 Richard Linklater film Bernie with Jack Black, Shirley MacLaine and Matthew McConaughey, and for his recurring role as Miguel Gilb in Season 2 of True Detective. Luna can also be seen (as Quesada) in the 2015 film Freeheld with Julianna Moore and Ellen Page. Wicked City airs Tuesdays at 10pm on ABC.