Runner’s High. You’ve heard of it, of course, usually from that irritating co-worker you have who seems to always be in training for marathons and 10K charity runs and triathlons, the one who is almost always ridiculously chipper and perky, the one who can’t sit still and when they stand they’re always bouncing on their feet, as if the starter’s gun is just seconds away from going off, and who you imagine spends their evenings on a treadmill, downing energy drinks, or decorating their apartments with motivational posters. Needless to say, we hate those people with their annoying chatter about bloody endorphins and their runner’s high. Well, guess what? It turns out they really are high. Stoned. Baked. Doobied. Ganjafied. You know, these guys.
According to a new study, the common notion of a runner’s high has more to do with endocannabinoids than endorphins. The body naturally produces endocannabinoids (that’s weed to you and me). “These endocannabinoid molecules are small enough to pass from the blood to the brain, hit your pleasure receptors, and give you that high — the one endorphins have been getting the credit for,” reports New York Magazine. All of which is fine but doesn’t explain why your running-mad friend doesn’t get the urge to run to 7-11 for some burritos and ice cream at two in the morning.