In the Heroes series reboot, Heroes Reborn, ordinary people are hunting down EVOs (evolved humans) who have extraordinary abilities (aka superpowers). EVOs, who are being blamed for a catastrophic terrorist attack that left Odessa, Texas decimated, are now in hiding or on the run. They do not want to be caught by people like Luke and Joanne Collins, who are seeking revenge for the loss of their only child.
Luke is portrayed by Zachary Levi (Chuck, Less Than Perfect). Joanne is portrayed by Judith Shekoni. She launched her career as a model and then landed her first big acting gig on the popular BBC TV show Casualty. Americans will recognize her from appearances on Backstrom, Mike & Molly, Brothers & Sisters, and Damages, or from the film The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2. She played Zafrina, leader of the Amazonian vampires). Heroes Reborn airs Thursdays at 8pm on NBC.