Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting reveals a bit of her privilege in a recent interview with Shape magazine — and even that is charming coming from the Big Bang Theory star. Cuoco-Sweeting’s interview may inspire lots of women (and men) to find their own ways of getting fit, encouraging them not to follow rules mindlessly and to be comfortable with their own paths. That’s the good part. Cuoco-Sweeting is generous in talking about her own road to self-knowledge, especially physically. She’s also honest about her foibles, like a penchant for children’s sugar-soaked cereal and drawers full of candy at bedside. No more, though.
[Kaley Cuoco Quiz — 8 Simple Questions]
But even with the sweets discarded, it took Cuoco a long time to find her way. “I love being toned and having muscle; it’s so sexy and beautiful,” she told the magazine. “And I owe it 100 percent to yoga.” Well, not 100%. And here comes the privileged part — the ingredients in the recipe that are a little harder for everyday fans to add. Cuoco-Sweeting owns six horses and rides them five days a week. “Horseback riding is why I’m so centered,” she says. (You could try a bike?) And her solution for body weight fluctuation is one most women can’t use either, given that it requires tripling your clothes budget. “I’m the type of girl who always had to buy jeans in three sizes because I never know what my body is going to do,” she says.